Thursday, 10 November 2016

X - wing model part 5

Here is my completed x-wing model, as you can see I have duplicated the wings and scaled them by -1 on the appropriate axis in order to get them perfectly opposite each other. I have also created groups for each wing half, and for the body, I have done this and given them appropriate names, such as Upper_wing_L for example, in order to make the outliner look neat and tidy and for ease of navigation for myself and anyone who would be looking through my model, I want to make it as clear as possible what parts are where.

As I mention earlier in my blog, the wings on this model gout out at an angle when the ship flies, so here you can see the wing when they have been rotate up into their flight position, also due to the fact that I modelled them separately to the body I can actually animate this effect in my animation. In order to have these pivot around the body I had to move the pivot points of the wings to the part of the wing connected to the body, so it pivots at its base and does not move away from the ships body at any time.

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