Wednesday 23 November 2016

Tie Interceptor model part 4

I have added the gun on to the wing of the tie fighter, I made this gun by first extruding a cube along the path shown by the reference image, and then adding more shapes for the detailing, and for the barrels of the guns I created two cylinders and extruded them into shape. I have also used the extruded cubes and Boolean difference to cut the shapes into the wings of my ship, however due to an unkown error, I had to manually extrude in the indentation on the bottom left of this image.

To make sure I avoided another error like last time, I extruded the indentations into the inside of the wing.
I then duplicated the left wing group and scaled it by -1 on the appropriate access as I have done for my other two models. This has made me my right wing.

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