Friday 4 November 2016


Objects with different materials
This class practical was all about how to assign materials to object, and the different types of materials and what they are best used for. for example a blinn would be better for metals and maybe glass, whereas a phong would be better used for a plastic material.
The first excercise that we has in this lesson was to assign a sphere a color and change the specular highlight on the object, which is the colour that the reflections will show as, if you look at the purple sphere in the image above, you can see that my specular colour is a light blue
The next exercise was to apply a bitmap to several different shapes, s you can see I have used the checkered material provided on the 3 object on the left of the image above.
The final excercise of this lesson was to use procedural maps, which you can see used on both the sphere on the right and the plane on the right, you can see the shape looks very deformed, especially when compared to the other flat shapes.

The tool that I think will help me out best in the future is the ability to add an image as a material when applying a lambert, I feel like this could be extremely useful when it comes to texturing a model.

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