Monday 21 November 2016

Tie Interceptor model part 1

As with my two previous models I have created and set a new project and set up my viewports and image planes.

When I first began to make this model I started with the body, however I quickly began having trouble with the cockpit and how to fit it properly into the body, so I decided to do the easier part, the wings first and come back to the cockpit later, so I would have the most time to do the part I was struggling with. Here I have extruded out all of the shapes and merged the vertices at the tips of the wings to create the point that the interceptor has, I then tilted the bottom and top portions of the wing to match the reference image. I added the shapes on the outside of the wing for later on when I will use them to bool, difference and cut their shapes out of the wing.

With the basic shape for the wing complete I went back to the body and added the engine onto the back of the interceptor, I did this by simply adding a cylinder to the back of the ship and deleting any face on the sphere that were no longer visible because of the cylinder.

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