Tuesday 1 November 2016

Modelling basics 3

Wine glass
This week we focused on using 2D tools to make 3D models. First we made a simple 2D arch using the bezier curve tool, then extruded out the object to make it 3D, then we grabbed the inside faces and extruded them in to create a mailbox type of object. The second thing we did, also using the bezier curve tool was to create the wine glass that you see in the image above, how I did this was I created a bezier curve and drew it on through the top view port, once I had created my curve, I used the revolve tool, and curved it around the z axis, the result is a fully 3D object created from a revolving 2D shape, much like what would happen if I extruded the shape myself, but this tool allows me to create a much better glass than I could model.

We also learned about three view editing in this lesson, this is a technique that I will be using when it comes to modelling, the way it works is you put a different perspective picture on each viewport, so a to scale image of the side of your ship on the side view, top for top, and front for front, the main thing to keep in mind is that all of these images are properly aligned and to scale. This allows you to make the perfect shape by aligning vertices with the image, then doing the same in all other viewports in order to perfectly replicate the shape that you are modelling around.

The bezier curve tool that we learned today was very useful, and could be used to create complex spherical structures in a simple and efficient way, you can also change the amount of edges that the curve revolves around with, making a lower poly, but ultimately more custom designer tool.

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