Saturday 10 December 2016

Texturing Y wing

When it came to texturing my models I already had very little time to complete my animation when compared to the other students due to unavoidable absences, this meant that I had to both make my models look good, but also get them textured quickly, in the end I decided that I could go with a simple texture style, so I found a metal texture that suited the look of the Y wing an applied it to the body of my ship with a blinn material to give it a slight metallic shine, after this I mapped the UV's on my model to make the texture look better all around the model. After I applied the main body texture I applied a yellow Lambert on all of the places on the ship where a Y wing would have the colour , after that I applied a blinn with some transparency and a dark blue, almost black colour to the windows on my ship, to give a nice reflective look while still not being all the way see through. The additional details on the ship, such as the trimmings and the piping I found a different , darker metal texture for, as this would offset them slightly with the body of the ship and make them more noticeable. Finally I applied a simple light grey coloured blinn to the body of  the droid on my ship, and added a light blue coloured blinn to certain parts of my droid in order to add some minor detailing to the droid, this is the same colour system as R2D2 from the films. The final look of my ship has come together quite nicely, it is a bare bones, but good looking Y wing model.

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