Saturday, 10 December 2016

Texturing X wing

When it came to texturing my X wing I followed the colour scheme of my reference image, I went with a dull smooth grey metal texture with a Lambert, because I didn't want the X wing to be reflecting light strongly. I added a black Lambert on the engines of the ship , as I would be making the engine lights in my animated scene, I used this same black texture on many parts of the ship that it would suit. The ships windows are all a black blinn material with a very slight transparency to make it look more realistic, but still not be transparent enough to see through. I added a blue Lambert to the trimmings of my X wing, this made it look more true to life and added some character to the ship. I textured the droid in the same way I textured it on the Y wing, using the texture colours history to get the exact same shades.

For the rear of the X wing I used an image of the back of an X wing from the internet and planar mapped it on to the back face of the X wing, this is to save me having to model all of these little bumps and wires on to the back, which would have raised the polygon count and made my render time longer, which would of been bad, considering the time constraints I was working against.

Overall the final textured model came out very nicely, it looked basic, but this was good because it fit with the Y wing and would not look strange when they were put next to each other in a scene.

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