Saturday 10 December 2016

Texturing Tie Interceptor

The Tie Interceptor was the simplest of all my models to texture as it has very little colour to it, and is limited to a couple of shades of grey. To make the texture that appears in the indents in the wing I used a carbon fiber texture on a Lambert and applied it to the wing, even after mapping the UV's the texture looked too big to looked suitable for the wing, so I resized the texture until it was small enough to make the wings look good. The windows of the cockpit are a blinn with a black colour and a light transparency, same as the other two ships, I used the same colour but with a Lambert to add some details to the top of the ship. The main body of the ship is the same texture that I used on my X wing as it suited the Tie Interceptor just as well, this also saved me some time when it came to searching for and applying a new texture. In the end i feel like the Tie Interceptor came out well, and once again fits in with the style and design of my other two ships, so it does not look out of place.

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