Friday 16 December 2016


I think that my animation came out very well when I take into account the fact that I had less time than most others to complete it. When I look at my animation I think that it has come out very well, it has some very nice camera shots, and has some good animations on the ships. I think that my scenes were also nicely complemented by the addition of the planets in the background, these made it feel more like a place in space rather than a blank area for these ships to fly around in. I also feel like the animation flows very well, each scene makes it quite clear where the ships are and where they have traveled to and from, I think my animation has a clear narrative as well, I think someone could tell me what story I am trying to tell just by watching the animation. Now some negatives of my animation were that there was one frame I missed out that is in the wrong order, this was due to moviemaker sometimes placing frames in the wrong order, I had this issue several times, but I corrected all but one. Another thing that I would change if I had more time was the quality of the renders, because I didn't have long I went for the minimum quality I could, but a full quality render would have been good. The final thing that the time constraints against me prevented me from adding particle effects to my animation, I feel like this would have improved my animation quite a bit, and would have allowed me to showcase new skills that I used, outside of what was shown to us. Overall I think that I made a good animation with the time I had, but one that could have been better.

Storyboard comparison

1. The first panel of my storyboard was originally supposed to be a close up top down view of the two ships, but I decided to go for a more cinematic opening and have the camera pan from a planet to the two ships, I do however still have  a similar type of shot in my animation, but the camera is slightly further out and at more of a third person angle.

2. The second panel of my storyboard is still present in my animation, it happens after two scenes, one of the X and Y wing flying, and one of the Tie Interceptor approaching with a front shot of the ship.

3. The events of the third panel are still in my animation, but it happens slightly differently, with the camera front on to the X and Y wing, with the Tie Interceptor then flying overhead and the X wing giving chase.

4. The dog fight portrayed in my storyboard is present in my animation, but it is more fleshed out and ends differently than I initially wanted.

5. The fifth panel of my animation happens quite differently in my animation, with the Tie Interceptor only beginning to move toward the Y wing before the events of the sixth panel takes place.

6. The X wing still dose crash in to the Tie Interceptor in my animation, it doesn't happen as close to the Y wing as I had initially planned, this is due to time constraints both in and out of the animation, partly because I couldn't get back to the Y wing in believable time before the 30 second time limit was up, I was also running out of time to finish the animation, so I could not go back and edit it to gain some time.

7. The final panel of my storyboard does not appear in my animation at all, this is due to time constraints causing me to both not be able to implement the particle effects that I wanted to to make this scene and the fact that I didn't have any time left in the animation to move my ships back to the Y wings position, so I opted for a fade to black in the end instead.  

Finished animation

Thursday 15 December 2016

Animation part 7

This is the final scene of my animation before the planned fade to black, in this scene the X wing chases the Tie Interceptor and swoops up and flies down in to it in a kamikaze attack. This scene, like the last was was all keyed by me, including the camera panning.

Animation part 6

In this scene the Tie Interceptor and the X wing are in a dog fight, with each ship trying to get a good position over the other one, until the Tie Interceptor decides to stop the fight and go back after the Y wing. This animation was all made by hand, so all of the ship and camera moves were keyed by me.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Animation part 5.2

This is the continuation of the scene, after the wings open up the X wings shoots forward towards the camera and spins right in front of it , then it shoots off after the Tie Interceptor. This scene was inspired by a scene from Star Wars: The force awakens, in which the millennium falcon performs a similar maneuver.

I like this shot a lot because of the realistic slow and drag of the back end of the ship as it performs a sharp turn.

Animation part 5.1

In this scene the camera cuts two the front of the X and Y wing as the Tie Interceptor files overhead. After this the X wings wings open up, this was an animation I made, which I was able to do due to the ship and the wings being separate objects parented under a Nurbs circle. In this animation I had to change the pivot point of each wing to the center of the wing on either side of the ship, I then rotated them by equal amounts so that they would be in the right X shape.