Monday, 24 October 2016

Modelling basics

Ship Wheel
The first task of this practical was to make a simple ship steering wheel just using shapes, so in my model only two different shapes are used, a cylinder and a pipe. I use the scale tool and the extrude tool in order change the size and shape of my cylinders, and the width of my pipe, I also used the rotate tool to turn the pipe on its side and rotate the cylinders around the wheel, I used the duplicate tool as I rotated the cylinders in order to create the poles.

The second task of this practical was to make a house, we did this using the add division, center and extrude tools. I started off with a single polygon cube, then I used the add division tool to add more sections to the cube, I used the extrude tool to extrude the two side parts of the house forward, and after adding enough divisions to form up the window, I moved the edges in order to get just the shape for the window frames that I wanted, and then I extruded them in to create the houses windows. I did the same thing to create my door. The center tool was used to combine edges in order to give the roof of my house  a specific shape when I moved the edges on the roof upwards.

In this practical, the most useful tool that I used was definitely the extrude tool, this tool is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of different situations to achieve a multitude of different results.

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